Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Loteria parte 2

Una vez que se tienen las 54 imagenes correspondientas a las cartas de loteria, segun se describe en el post de ayer, estamos listos para probar este script el cual consiste en una "barajador" virtual para nuestros juegos de loteria con familiares y amigos.

El codigo siguiente, se basa principalmente en esta pagina del "Tcl wiki":

# --------------------------------
# loteria
# heavily based on http://wiki.tcl.tk/9888
# --------------------------------
console show
package require Tk
package require Img  
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
  sdltk textinput off
  borg spinner on;borg toast "Shuffling..."
package require struct
package require htmlparse
package require http
set onLine 0

proc iota2 n {
global onLine   
::struct::tree t
set url "http://www.random.org/sequences/?min=1&max=54&col=1&format=html&rnd=new"
set http  [::http::geturl $url]
set html  [::http::data $http]

htmlparse::2tree $html t
htmlparse::removeVisualFluff t
htmlparse::removeFormDefs t
 if { [catch {walk {1 4 1 0}} base] } {
   tk_messageBox -message "Web Page not available 1"
   set onLine 0
   t destroy
if {$base == ""} {
   tk_messageBox -message "Web Page not available 2"
   set onLine 0
   t destroy

#set base [walk {1 4 1 0}]
set listado [t get $base data]
puts "type(tag): [t get $base type]\n"
set ctr 0
foreach card $listado {
 puts "[incr ctr]: $card"
t destroy
return $listado
proc walkf {n p} {
    foreach idx $p {
        if {$n == ""} {break}
        set n [lindex [t children $n] $idx]
    return $n
proc walk {p} {
    return [walkf root $p]

# -------------
# parameters
# -------------
proc randomColor {} {format #%06x [expr {int(rand() * 0xFFFFFF)}]}

#  name      color       file 
for {set i 1} {$i < 55} {incr i} {
  set ctr [format "%02d" $i]
  lappend parms [list flower$i [randomColor] lote$ctr.jpg]

proc reset {} {
  global las54 onLine tcl_platform
  .name config -text ""
  if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {borg spinner on;borg toast "Shuffling..."}
  #set las54 [iota1 54]
  if $onLine {
   set las54 [iota2 54]
  } else {
   set las54 [iota1 54]

 foreach i $::list { .0 itemconf $i -state hidden }
 for {set i 1} {$i < 55} {incr i} {
  .$i itemconf 1 -state hidden
.btn configure -state normal
.ckOnLine configure -state normal
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {borg spinner off;borg toast "Ready..."}

proc dala {} {
  global las54 onLine
  .ckOnLine configure -state disabled
  if $onLine {
   puts "on-line"
   set i [ldrawOL las54]
  } else {
   set i [ldraw las54]
  bind .$i <1> [list select $i]
  set quedan [llength $las54]
  .name config -text [expr {54 - $quedan}]
  if {$quedan == 0} {
     .btn configure -state disabled
  select $i

proc iota1 n {
   set res {}
   for {set i 1} {$i<=$n} {incr i} {lappend res $i}
   set res

proc ldraw _list {
   puts "local"
   upvar 1 $_list list
   set pos [expr {int(rand()*[llength $list])}]
   K [lindex $list $pos] [set list [lreplace $list $pos $pos]]

proc ldrawOL _list {
   puts "on-line"
   upvar 1 $_list list
   set pos 0
   K [lindex $list $pos] [set list [lreplace $list $pos $pos]]

proc K {a b} {set a}

  if $onLine {
   set las54 [iota2 54]
  } else {
   set las54 [iota1 54]

# -------------
# nmage/bimage packages
# -------------

# create a canvas with n images
proc nmage {w args} \
  # take size from the first image
  set image [lindex $args 0]
  set ww [image width $image]
  set hh [image height $image]
  # center coordinates
  set x [expr {$ww / 2}]
  set y [expr {$hh / 2}]
  # create canvas
  puts "creating canvas $w"
  canvas $w -width $ww -height $hh -highlightt 0
  # create the images
  foreach image $args {
   set id [$w create image $x $y -anchor center -image $image -state hidden]
   puts "creating $w > $id"
# create a canvas with a mini image
proc bimage {n} \
  # take size from the full image
  set image $::names($n)
  set ww [image width $image]
  set hh [image height $image]
  # create the mini image from the full image
  foreach {type factor} {mini 4} \
    set ww2 [expr {$ww / $factor}]
    set hh2 [expr {$hh / $factor}]
    image create photo ${type}$n -width $ww2 -height $hh2
    ${type}$n copy $image -subsample $factor
  # create a canvas with the mini image
  nmage .$n mini$n

# -------------
# mechanism
# -------------

# called on n-th choice (click on canvas)
proc select {n} \
  # select the little image
  #foreach i $::list { choose $i $n }
  .$n itemconf 1 -state normal
  .0 raise $n
  .0 itemconf $n -state normal
  if 0 {
    foreach i $::list { .0 itemconf $i -state hidden }
    .0 itemconf $n -state normal
  # show its name
  # .name config -text $::names($n)
  # set background color
  set color $::colors($n)
  foreach w {. .name .0} { $w config -bg $color }
  foreach i $::list { .$i config -bg $color }
# choose between the mini & the micro image
proc choose {i n} \
  set a 1; set b 2
  if {$i == $n} { set a 2; set b 1 }
  puts "b = $b"
  .$i itemconf $b -state normal

# -------------
# create images from files
# -------------

set i 0
foreach item $parms \
  foreach {name color file} $item break
  lappend list [incr i] 
  set names($i) $name
  set colors($i) $color
  set files($i) $file
foreach i $list { image create photo $names($i) -file $files($i) }

# -------------
# create widgets
# -------------

# the canvas with the full size images
foreach i $list { lappend images $names($i) }
eval [linsert $images 0 nmage .0]
# the label with the name
label .name -font {Times -24}
# the selection canvas

# -------------
# place & display widgets
# -------------
button .btn -text Next -command dala
grid .btn -row 1 -column 0 -sticky nswe
button .btnReset -text Reset -command reset
checkbutton .ckOnLine -text "On-Line" -variable onLine -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0
grid .btnReset -row 6 -column 5 -columnspan 3 -sticky nsew
grid .ckOnLine -row 6 -column 8 -columnspan 3
grid .name -row 0 -column 0
grid .0    -row 2 -column 0 -rowspan 5
for {set i 1} {$i < 55} {incr i} {
  set row [format "%0.0f" [expr {ceil ($i/10.0)}]]
  set col [format "%0.0f" [expr {((($i/10.0) - $row) + 1) * 10}]]
  bimage $i
  grid .$i -row $row -column $col
  #bind .$i <1> [list select $i]
# -------------
# do it!
# -------------

wm title . loteria!
after idle {
  if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {borg spinner off;borg toast "Ready..."}

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