Sunday, December 29, 2024

Usando el modo de Captura en el i2cdriver

En las columnas de la B a la E, se muestra el contenido de una captura entre un master que escribe un caracter "A" en un display hd44780.

La interpretacion de dicha captura se muestra en las columnas de la F a la K


Using i2cdriver to [D]rive LCD with i2c backpack

Communication with PCF8574 (Located in LCD's I2C backpack)

Use serial Port with the following parameters:

1000000,n,8,1 (COM4 in this case)

The Script:

# desc:   LCD

# reboot command

Sende "_" "\x01" 5

Sleep 1

# send echo byte

Sende "e\x41" "\x01" 5

# transmit status info

Sende "?" "\x01" 5

# send START

Sende "s\x4e" "\x01" 5

# write n bytes - c1 actually means SEND 2 bytes

# to send a 3, we need to send it dup with suffix:

# 4 and 0

Sende "\xc1\x34\x30" "\x01" 5

Sleep 1

# write n bytes - c7 actually means SEND 8 bytes

Sende "\xc7\x34\x30\x34\x30\x24\x20\x24\x20" "\x01" 5

Sende "\xc1\xc4\xc0" "\x01" 5

Sende "\xc3\x04\x00\x14\x10" "\x01" 5

Sende "\xc3\x04\x00\xc4\xc0" "\x01" 5

Sende "\xc3\x04\x00\x64\x60" "\x01" 5

# send STOP

Sende "p" "" 1

Sende "s\x4e" "\x01" 5

Sende "\xc3\x45\x41\x15\x11" "\x01" 5

Sende "p" "" 1